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Keys To Success
Strategic Purpose: The Tanjong Rose Foundation will exist within the space of mental health services. The niche focus is providing services to undeserved communities. By maintaining strict focus on this niche, The Tanjong Rose Foundation will fulfill its purpose.
Staying Current: The Tanjong Rose Foundation will flow with current trends and stay relevant in mental health industry, focusing on the latest developments in therapies and services.
Marketing: The Tanjong Rose Foundation will foster a direct and indirect marketing core, with an emphasis on organization-to-organization marketing. This approach allows for rapid growth by tapping into organizations that interact with the target market The Tanjong Rose Foundation intends to serve.
Positive Outcomes: Working on establishing a track record amongst participants with The Tanjong Rose Foundation will influence others and positively position the organization as a change maker. Participants utilizing the programs and services can be assured they too will experience positive outcomes.